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Download Data

We’re excited you’ve found climate data you would like to download, let’s help you get started. First you need to determine if you’d like to download a single dataset or if you would like to subscribe to some data instead. The right side of any given data’s detail screen will tell you if it requires a subscription or not.

Download a single dataset file

  1. Once you’ve found data you want to download, click the rectangular card which will bring you to the detail page of that specific data
  2. The right side of the screen will give you download information. If the data is free, simply click the “Download” button and save the data to your device
  3. If there is a fee associated with the data, you will need to generate encryption keys (simply click generate encryption keys) and then click the “BUY” button

Make sure your wallet is funded with tokens required for purchase including MATIC and USDC, see more: Add Money to Your Account.

Download a subscription

  1. Once you’ve found data you want to download, click the rectangular card which will bring you to the detail page of that specific data
  2. The right side of the screen will give you subscription information. Select a tier and length for the subscription you wish to purchase. Information about tier length can be found under the data’s description card on the left of the screen.
  3. You will need to generate encryption keys (simply click generate encryption keys) and then click the “Buy Subscription” button
  4. A window should appear prompting you to approve your USDC tokens, click the button to begin the checkout process. Approving tokens allows us to know they do in fact belong to you and are associated with your specific account
  5. Once your tokens have been approved, click the “Buy Asset” button
  6. Once the transaction is complete, you are now subscribed to this data and can make an API request or extend your subscription from the same detail page