Hazard Only vs. Asset Analysis
Compare the general risk analysis of Hazard Only tiers with the detailed insights provided by Asset Analysis tiers to choose the right level of detail based on your needs.
Aegis offers climate risk solutions tailored for users with both physical assets (e.g., factories, offices, homes, etc.) and non-physical or less tangible weather-affected locations.
In an Asset Analysis account, the vulnerability of physical assets to projected climate events is modeled and assessed using Average Annual Loss (AAL) estimations. In a Hazard Only account, users are able to interact directly with projected event magnitudes and frequencies that impact less tangible assets.
Use the guidelines below to select the appropriate account type based on your specific needs.
Hazard Only Tier
Hazard Only is for All Types of Users:
This tier provides a general overview of your asset's vulnerability to specific climate perils, highlighting potential risks with a simplified Risk Score, but without detailed financial analysis.
Asset Analysis Tier
Asset Analysis is for Users with Physical Buildings/Assets:
This tier delivers a more thorough evaluation, incorporating detailed metrics such as Loss Ratios and Average Annual Loss (AAL), alongside the simplified Risk Score, providing a much deeper understanding of both general risk exposure and financial implications.
*See Tiers for more in-depth plan information
Need More Help?
If you have further questions regarding Hazard Only vs. Asset Analysis, please send us an email at support@dclimate.net.
Also, feel free to submit a question using the 'Have a Question?' button located at the bottom right of the screen on Aegis.